Infinity Babies is committed to offering natural birth maternity services, gynecology and holistic woman-centered care to clients throughout the Gauteng region.
We welcome the opportunity to serve you!
Our team has a reputation for providing quality care that meets the unique individual needs of our clients and their families.
Our natural birth services include prenatal care, nutritional support, childbirth preparation, labour and birth (at home or Hospital), and postpartum mother and newborn care. Our team trusts the birth process and a woman’s ability to give birth naturally. We believe every birth is special, sacred, and an opportunity for learning and growth for everyone involved. Women who are given the chance to birth in their own way with the support they need are able to become fully empowered by the incredible experience of birth.
It is a right of passage through which Infinity Babies believes every woman and family should be supported. Your pregnancy and birth should be the happiest and most memorable experience in your life. Choosing to have your baby with the help of midwives has so many benefits for both mother and baby! The word midwife means, quite literally, WITH WOMAN. Not in front of woman, over woman, or above woman.
Infinity Babies can help you have the special birth you and your baby deserve. Our goal is to help you achieve this with the personalized, one-on-one care that a Certified Professional Midwife provides.
Infinity Babies provides a full range of services for pregnant women in the Gauteng area including:
All antenatal care
Personalized labour and birth attendance
Home Birth/Hospital Birth
Postpartum and Newborn Care
Water Birth
Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)

Our Philosophy
Pregnancy and birth are normal life events - not diseases. A woman's body is designed for giving birth, and childbirth happens the way it does because it is the best and safest method of bringing our children into the world. For the normal healthy woman, interfering in the natural birth process actually creates many of the very problems we want to avoid.

Our Staff
SR Lindsay van der Walt
Owner / Midwife
Bcur- R.N. RM
I qualified as a professional nurse with a Bcur degree in 2009. I am passionate about pregnancy, child birth and beyond. I strongly believe that woman should be given the opportunity to be there own advocates in THEIR pregnancy and Birth, in this we allow them to be fully empowered into the transition of motherhood. Child birth is not just about a baby being born but a mother, father and family are born at the same. I look forward to the opportunity of helping families bring there little blessings into our world to create new little foot prints in the sands of time.